June-Toronto Agatsu Olympic Lifting & Mobility Course

By Agatsu (other events)

Sat, Jun 23 2018 9:00 AM EDT Sun, Jun 24 2018 5:00 PM EDT

Why was this course developed?

As competitive weightlifters and personal trainers, Justin and Paluna attend seminars on a regular basis. In the past couple of years they noticed a pattern in all weightlifting and powerlifting courses. The material is 90% focused on lifting technique. This is great if you are an athlete without any mobility limitations but what happens when your progress is limited by the health of your joints?

Why is this course different than other lifitng courses?

Weather you are a coach or an athlete, we will provide you with the tools to prepare the body for lifting as well as lifting technique itself.

Over the course of two days you will learn the following:

-General mobility assessment.

-Mobility to improve overhead squat, front rack and squat.

-Fool proof warm-ups and activation exercises for pre and post lifting sessions.

-Full breakdown of the snatch, clean, jerk and squat along with accessory movements.

-Programming for beginner and intermediate lifters along with mobility to support the program.

-Goal setting, competition prep and the use of props (shoes, belts, wraps,etc).

Who are we?

Paluna Santamaria

Agatsu Senior Instructor/Yoga and Pilates Instructor/Varbanov School of Weightlifting Athlete 2011-2015/Mash Elite Athlete under Travis Mash 2015-2016. Full bio:


Justin Santos

Agatsu Instructor/Head coach and barbell programming/Varbanov School athlete training under Alex Varbanov since 2012 (Ontario provincial lifter 2016/Ontario national lifter 2016)/Trained under Travis Mash 2015-2016 Full bio:



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