June-Montreal Mobility & Movement 5 Day Intensive

By Agatsu (other events)

Thu, Jun 14 2018 9:00 AM EDT Mon, Jun 18 2018 5:00 PM EDT

5 day intensive that will change how you train forever Join us in Montreal Quebec for 5 days of training at the Agatsu Academy. Follow our weekly routine and train as we train to develop greater strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, mobility, power and balance. Receive personal programming tips that will help you develop your skills and deepen your personal practice.


9am-5pm each day with 1 hour lunch breaks

Some Topics Include:

-Joint Mobility & Movement UPPER & LOWER BODY -Level 1 Certifications
-Gymnastic Rings 
-Single Leg Strength & Balance 
-Locomotion & Flow Drills 
-Flexibility Training 
-Indian Clubs
-Breathing Techniques
-Fasical Stretching
-Programming Lectures

Intensives are limited to a max of five participants. Multiple training sessions are included each day as well as time for rest, recovery, programming lectures and a special outing. For more information contact us with subject heading "Intensive"


Registration is a guarantee of your reserved spot for an Agatsu seminar. Once you confirm your registration you are taking one of a limited number of spaces and as such there are no refunds in the event that you must cancel.