June- Agatsu Kettlebell Certification Level 2

By Agatsu (other events)

Sat, Jun 23 2018 9:00 AM EDT Sun, Jun 24 2018 6:00 PM EDT

This course emcompasses all that Agatsu stands for. Held at the Agatsu HQ, it is the ultimate testing ground for your skills as an athelete and trainer. The focus for this course is on advanced and double kettlebell techniques as well as various bodyweight skills desgined to increase mobility, flexibility and strength. 

What you will learn:

-How to develop rotational power with the aid of kettlebells.

-High tension banded swings to develop explosive power.

-Progressive alternating compound exercises desgined to challenge and highen your co-ordination.

-Specialized endurance training protocols.

-Kettlebell hand to hand.

-Advanced kettlebell mobility and flexibility exercises.

-Progressive resistance training using kettlebells and chains.


Kettlebell Level 2 Requirements that will be tested are:


-Pistols  (10 unbroken reps on each leg is 100%)

-5 Minute Snatch Test (100 snatches total is 100%, only one hand change, women 16kg, men 24kg)

-Jerk Test (35 unbroken double jerks is 100%) (women 16kgs, men 24kgs, no time limit)

-Pull Up Test (strict -no kipping, unbroken chest to bar, 10 reps is 100% for women, 15 reps is 100% for men)

-Bridge Test (3 mintues is 100%)

-Toe to Bar (10 unbroken strict no kipping is 100%, performed on stall bars)

-Ring Push Ups (unbroken in external rotation, approx 1 foot from floor, 10 reps for women, 15 reps for men is 100%)

**** Participants must score a 75% overall to successfully pass. Grades are cumulative.*****


You must have an Agatsu Level 1 Kettlebell Cert in good standing to register for this course. Registration is a guarantee of your reserved spot for an Agatsu seminar. Once you confirm your registration you are taking one of a limited number of spaces and as such there are no refunds in the event that you must cancel.